Sedation Options

It’s no secret that a majority of adults don’t like going to the dentist, and let’s face it, it is not uncommon for a child to be afraid of visiting the dentist either. 

While it is our priority to make every child’s experience a positive one, sometimes we are unable to complete certain treatment due to a child’s overwhelming fear or anxiety. In this case, our doctors may suggest a different approach to effectively and safely complete necessary treatment.

There are many factors that are considered when suggesting alternative treatment options such as medical history, age, treatment and behavior. Children who may benefit from sedation dentistry may have:

  • A fear or anxiety of being at the dentist
  • A short attention span
  • Extensive dental work
  • Unique conditions that may challenge dental care 
Child Dental

Nitrous Oxide (commonly known as Laughing Gas):

This is a blend of two gasses: oxygen & nitrous oxide. When inhaled, it is absorbed by the body and has a calming effect. Your child will remain conscious and alert throughout the procedure , yet they will experience a sense of well-being and relaxation and be less worried about the sights, sounds and sensations associated with dental treatment. Nitrous oxide is one of the safest sedation options in dentistry and is quickly eliminated from the body by normal breathing.

Moderate Conscious Sedation:

This level of sedation can help increase cooperation and reduce anxiety associated with dental treatment. Various medications can be used to sedate a child. Medications will be selected based upon a child’s overall health, level of anxiety and dental treatment recommendations. 

OR (also referred to as out-patient hospital operating room under general anesthesia):

This approach is ideal for children with extreme dental fear, uncooperative tendencies and physical/mental special needs. This method, which is done in a hospital setting, puts a child into a state of controlled unconsciousness where they will be completely unaware of treatment and have no memory of it afterward. This team approach allows us to work with the best in the field of anesthesia to safely provide care for our most sensitive patients.

Image of a smiling Tooth

"We were so impressed by the attention to detail that Fishers Pediatric Dentistry gave to our son’s dental appointment. My son loved understanding the treatment being performed as well as seeing each instrument being used. It is very evident that this staff loves what they do every day and it definitely shows through to the children."

- Delayne L.